Ammeters, Voltmeters, Wattmeters, Frequency meters, Galvanometers
+ AC / DC Bridges / Potentiometer
Wheatstone, Kelvin Maxwell, Anderson, De-sauty, Schering Bridges. Crompton DC Potentiometers, AC Potentiometers, Volt Ratio Box, Standard Cell, Standard resistances, Spot reflecting galvanometers.
+ Dimmerstats / Isolation Transformers
Single Phase & Three Phase upto 20KVA
Single Phase & Three Phase upto 10KVA with suitable tappings
+ Loading - Rheostats / Capacitors & Inductors
Single Phase & Three Phase upto 20KVA
Single Phase & Three Phase upto 10KVA with suitable tappings
+ Instrumentation Lab Trainers
Strain / Displacement / Temperature / Load / Pressure / Torque / speed Measurement module or Trainer
L.D.R. (Light Depended Resistor) Trainer
Resistance Measurement Trainer / Piezo Electric Trainer / Capacitance Trainer